Package mmLib :: Module StructureBuilder :: Class StructureBuilder
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Type StructureBuilder

object --+

Known Subclasses:
mmCIFStructureBuilder, PDBStructureBuilder

Builder class for the mmLib.Structure object hierarchy. StructureBuilder must be subclassed with a working parse_format() method to implement a working builder.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, sequence_from_structure, library_bonds, distance_bonds, **args)
  load_alpha_helicies(self, helix_list)
The argument helix_list is a list of Python dictionaries with information to build build AlphaHelix objects into the Structure.
  load_atom(self, atm_map)
Called repeatedly by the implementation of read_atoms to load all the data for a single atom.
  load_beta_sheets(self, beta_sheet_list)
The argument beta_sheet_list is a list of Python dictionaries with information to build build BetaSheet objects into the Structure.
  load_bonds(self, bond_map)
Call by the implementation of load_metadata to load bond information on the structure.
  load_sequence(self, sequence_map)
The sequence map contains the following keys: chain_id: the chain ID fo the sequence; num_res: the number of residues in the sequence; sequence_list: a list of 3-letter codes of the residues in the sequence.
  load_sites(self, site_list)
The argument site_list is a list of Python dictionaries with information to build build Site objects into the Structure.
  load_structure_id(self, structure_id)
  load_unit_cell(self, ucell_map)
Called by the implementation of load_metadata to load the unit cell pararameters for the structure.
Runs the name service on all atoms needing to be named.
This method needs to be reimplemented in a fuctional subclass.
After loading all atom records, use the list of atom records to build the structure.
This method needs to be reimplemented in a fuctional subclass.
Called for final cleanup after structure source readinging is done.
This method needs to be reimplemented in a fuctional subclass.
Called after the the metadata loading is complete.
  read_start(self, fil)
This methods needs to be reimplemented in a functional subclass.
Called after the read_start method.
    Inherited from object
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
  __new__(T, S, ...)
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Method Details

load_alpha_helicies(self, helix_list)

The argument helix_list is a list of Python dictionaries with
information to build build AlphaHelix objects into the Structure.

The dictionary has attributes:
    helix_id:    The ID of the helix
    chain_id:    The chain_id where the helix is located
    frag_id1:    The start fragment_id of the helix
    frag_id2:    The end fragment_id of the helix
    helix_class: The PDB helix class number
    detaisl:     Text commont about the helix

load_atom(self, atm_map)

Called repeatedly by the implementation of read_atoms to load all the data for a single atom. The data is contained in the atm_map argument, and is not well documented at this point. Look at this function and you'll figure it out.

load_beta_sheets(self, beta_sheet_list)

The argument beta_sheet_list is a list of Python dictionaries with
information to build build BetaSheet objects into the Structure.

The dictionary has attributes:
    sheet_id:    ID of the sheet
    num_strands: total number of strands in the beta sheet
    strand_list: list of dictionaries describing the strand with
                 the following attributes:

        chain_id1/frag_id1: chain_id and fragment_id of inital residue
                            in the strand
        chain_id2/frag_id2: chain_id and fragment_id of end residue
                            in the strand
        sense:              the sense of the strand with respect to the
                            previous strand, either the string
                            parallel or anti_parallel

        reg_chain_id, reg_frag_id, reg_atom:
                            registration atom in current strand
        reg_prev_chain_id, reg_prev_frag_id, reg_prev_atom:
                            registration atom in previous strand

load_bonds(self, bond_map)

Call by the implementation of load_metadata to load bond
information on the structure.  The keys of the bond map are a 2-tuple
of the bonded Atom instances, and the value is a dictionary
containing information on the type of bond, which may also
be a symmetry operator.

keys: (atm1, atm2)
values: bond_data_map(s)

bond_type -> text description of bond type: covalent, salt bridge,
             hydrogen, cispeptide
atm1_symop -> symmetry operation (if any) to be applied to atm1
atm2_symop -> same as above, for atom 2

The symmetry operations themselves are a 3x4 array of floating point
values composed of the 3x3 rotation matrix and the 3x1 translation.

load_sequence(self, sequence_map)

The sequence map contains the following keys: chain_id: the chain ID fo the sequence; num_res: the number of residues in the sequence; sequence_list: a list of 3-letter codes of the residues in the sequence.

load_sites(self, site_list)

The argument site_list is a list of Python dictionaries with information to build build Site objects into the Structure.

load_unit_cell(self, ucell_map)

Called by the implementation of load_metadata to load the unit cell pararameters for the structure.


Runs the name service on all atoms needing to be named. This is a complicated function which corrects most commonly found errors and omitions from PDB files.


This method needs to be reimplemented in a fuctional subclass. The subclassed read_atoms method should call load_atom once for every atom in the sturcture, and should not call any other load_* methods.


After loading all atom records, use the list of atom records to build the structure.


This method needs to be reimplemented in a fuctional subclass. The subclassed read_end method can be used for any clean up from the file loading process you need, or may be left unimplemented.


Called for final cleanup after structure source readinging is done. Currently, this method does nothing but may be used in future versions.


This method needs to be reimplemented in a fuctional subclass. The subclassed read_metadata method should call the various load_* methods to set non-atom coordinate data for the Structure.


Called after the the metadata loading is complete.

read_start(self, fil)

This methods needs to be reimplemented in a functional subclass. This function is called with the file object (or any other object passed in to build a Structure from) to begin the reading process. This is usually used to open the source file.


Called after the read_start method. Does nothing currently, but may be used in the future.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Apr 23 22:08:39 2006