Classes |
AlphaHelix |
Class containing information on a protein alpha helix. |
Altloc |
Container holding the same atom, but for different conformations and
occupancies. |
AminoAcidResidue |
A subclass of Residue representing one amino acid residue in a
polypeptide chain. |
Atom |
Class representing a single atom. |
AtomList |
Provides the functionallity of a Python list class for containing Atom
instances. |
BetaSheet |
Class containing information on a protein beta sheet. |
Bond |
Indicates two atoms are bonded together. |
Chain |
Chain objects conatain a ordered list of Fragment objects. |
Fragment |
Fragment objects are a basic unit for organizing small groups of
Atoms. |
FragmentID |
Stores a fragment_id as integer residue sequence number and a
single-charactor insertion code. |
Model |
Multiple models support. |
NucleicAcidResidue |
A subclass of Residue representing one nuclic acid in a strand of DNA
or RNA. |
Residue |
A subclass of Fragment representing one residue in a polymer
chain. |
Segment |
Segment objects are a container for Fragment objects, but are
disaccociated with the Structure object hierarch. |
Site |
List of Fragments within a structure involved in a SITE
description. |
Strand |
One strand of a BetaSheet. |
Structure |
The Structure object is the parent container object for the entire
macromolecular data structure. |
Function Summary |
fragment_id_cmp (frag_id1,
Compare two fragment ids. |
fragment_id_eq (frag_id1,
Performs a proper equivelancy of frament_id strings according to their
sequence number, then insertion code. |
fragment_id_ge (frag_id1,
Performs a proper greator then or equal to comparison of frament_id
strings according to their sequence number, then insertion code. |
fragment_id_gt (frag_id1,
Performs a proper greator than comparison of frament_id strings
according to their sequence number, then insertion code. |
fragment_id_le (frag_id1,
Performs a proper less than or equal to comparison of frament_id
strings according to their sequence number, then insertion code. |
fragment_id_lt (frag_id1,
Performs a proper less than comparison of frament_id strings according
to their sequence number, then insertion code. |
fragment_id_split (frag_id)
Split a string fragment_id into a 2-tuple of: (sequence_num,
insertion_code) |
iter_fragments (fragiter,
Given a fragment iterator and a start and end fragment id, return a
iterator which yields only fragments within the range. |