Package mmLib :: Module AtomMath
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Module mmLib.AtomMath

Mathmatical operations performed on mmLib.Strcuture.Atom objects.
Function Summary
  addquaternion(q1, q2)
Adds quaterions q1 and q2.
  calc_angle(a1, a2, a3)
Return the angle between the three argument atoms.
Calculates the anisotropy of a atomic ADP tensor U.
Calculates the centroid of all contained Atom instances and returns a Vector to the centroid.
Calculates the adverage temperature factor of all contained Atom instances and returns the adverage temperature factor.
  calc_CCuij(U, V)
Calculate the cooralation coefficent for anisotropic ADP tensors U and V.
  calc_distance(a1, a2)
Returns the distance between two argument atoms.
  calc_DP2uij(U, V)
Calculate the square of the volumetric difference in the probability density function of anisotropic ADP tensors U and V.
  calc_inertia_tensor(atom_iter, origin)
Calculate a moment-of-intertia tensor at the given origin assuming all atoms have the same mass.
  calc_Suij(U, V)
Calculate the similarity of anisotropic ADP tensors U and V.
  calc_torsion_angle(a1, a2, a3, a4)
Calculates the torsion angle between the four argument atoms.
  cross(u, v)
Cross product of u and v: Cross[u,v] = {-u3 v2 + u2 v3, u3 v1 - u1 v3, -u2 v1 + u1 v2}
  dmatrix(alpha, beta, gamma)
Returns the displacement matrix based on rotation about Euler angles alpha, beta, and gamma.
  dmatrixu(u, theta)
Return a displacement matrix caused by a right hand rotation of theta radians around vector u.
Calculates the length of u.
Returns the normalized vector along u.
Return a quaternion calculated from the argument rotation matrix R.
  rmatrix(alpha, beta, gamma)
Return a rotation matrix based on the Euler angles alpha, beta, and gamma in radians.
Create a rotation matrix from q quaternion rotation.
  rmatrixu(u, theta)
Return a rotation matrix caused by a right hand rotation of theta radians around vector u.
Return a rotation matrix which transforms the coordinate system such that the vector vec is aligned along the z axis.
  rquaternionu(u, theta)
Returns a quaternion representing the right handed rotation of theta radians about vector u.Quaternions are typed as Numeric Python numpy.arrays of length 4.

Function Details

addquaternion(q1, q2)

Adds quaterions q1 and q2. Quaternions are typed as Numeric Python numpy.arrays of length 4.

calc_angle(a1, a2, a3)

Return the angle between the three argument atoms.


Calculates the anisotropy of a atomic ADP tensor U. Anisotropy is defined as the smallest eigenvalue of U divided by the largest eigenvalue of U.


Calculates the centroid of all contained Atom instances and returns a Vector to the centroid.


Calculates the adverage temperature factor of all contained Atom instances and returns the adverage temperature factor.

calc_CCuij(U, V)

Calculate the cooralation coefficent for anisotropic ADP tensors U and V.

calc_distance(a1, a2)

Returns the distance between two argument atoms.

calc_DP2uij(U, V)

Calculate the square of the volumetric difference in the probability density function of anisotropic ADP tensors U and V.

calc_inertia_tensor(atom_iter, origin)

Calculate a moment-of-intertia tensor at the given origin assuming all atoms have the same mass.

calc_Suij(U, V)

Calculate the similarity of anisotropic ADP tensors U and V.

calc_torsion_angle(a1, a2, a3, a4)

Calculates the torsion angle between the four argument atoms.

cross(u, v)

Cross product of u and v: Cross[u,v] = {-u3 v2 + u2 v3, u3 v1 - u1 v3, -u2 v1 + u1 v2}

dmatrix(alpha, beta, gamma)

Returns the displacement matrix based on rotation about Euler angles alpha, beta, and gamma.

dmatrixu(u, theta)

Return a displacement matrix caused by a right hand rotation of theta radians around vector u.


Calculates the length of u.


Returns the normalized vector along u.


Return a quaternion calculated from the argument rotation matrix R.

rmatrix(alpha, beta, gamma)

Return a rotation matrix based on the Euler angles alpha, beta, and gamma in radians.


Create a rotation matrix from q quaternion rotation. Quaternions are typed as Numeric Python numpy.arrays of length 4.

rmatrixu(u, theta)

Return a rotation matrix caused by a right hand rotation of theta radians around vector u.


Return a rotation matrix which transforms the coordinate system such that the vector vec is aligned along the z axis.

rquaternionu(u, theta)

Returns a quaternion representing the right handed rotation of theta radians about vector u.Quaternions are typed as Numeric Python numpy.arrays of length 4.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Apr 23 22:08:39 2006