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Package mmLib ::
Module Structure ::
Class Structure
The Structure object is the parent container object for the entire macromolecular data structure. It contains a list of the Chain objects in the structure hierarchy, and contains these additional data objects:
cifdb(mmLib.mmCIFDB) A mmCIF database with additional structure data.
unit_cell(mmLib.UnitCell) Unit cell/Spacegroup for the structure.
default_alt_loc(string) The default alternate location identifier used when iterating or retreiving Atom objects in the structure.Method Summary | |
| |
Returns True if item is a Model in the Structure, or a Chain or chain_id in the default Model. | |
| |
Same as get_chain, but raises KeyError if the requested chain_id is not found. | |
Iterates the Chain objects in the Structure. | |
Returns the number of stored Chain objects. | |
| |
Adds a AlphaHelix to the default Model object. | |
Adds a Atom object to the Structure. | |
Adds a BetaSheet to the default Model object. | |
Builds a Structure's bonds by atomic distance distance using the covalent radii in element.cif. | |
Builds bonds for all Fragments in the Structure from bond tables for monomers retrieved from the Library implementation of the Structure. | |
Adds a Chain object to the Structure. | |
Adds a Fragment object. | |
Adds a Model to a Structure. | |
Adds a Site object to the default Model. | |
Return the unique list of Atom alternate location IDs found in the Structure. | |
Counts all atoms in the default Model using the default alt_loc. | |
Counts all AminoAcidResidue objects in the default Model. | |
Counts all Atom objects in the default Model using the default alt_loc. | |
Counts all Bond objects using the default Model and default alt_loc. | |
Counts all Chain objects in the default Model. | |
Counts all Fragment objects in the default Model. | |
Counts all Model objects in the Structure. | |
Counts all non-standard residues in the default Model. | |
Counts all NucleicAcidResidue objects in the default Model. | |
Counts the number of stardard residues in the default Model. | |
Counts all waters in the default Model. | |
Returns the Chain object matching the chain_id charactor. | |
Returns the default alt_loc string. | |
Returns the default Model object. | |
Returns the atom with the same fragment_id and name as the argument atom, or None if it is not found. | |
Return the Model object with the argument model_id, or None if not found. | |
Returns self. | |
Returns True if there are AminoAcidResidue objects in the default Model of the Structure. | |
Returns True if there are non-standard residues in the default Model. | |
Returns True if the Structure contains NucleicAcidResiudes in the default Model. | |
Returns True if the Structure contains amino or nucleic acids in the default Model. | |
Returns True if there are waters in the default Model. | |
If item is a Model, returns the index of the Model in the Structure, or if the item is a Chain, returns the index of the Chain in the default Model. | |
Iterates over all AminoAcidResidue objects in all Models. | |
Iterates over all Atom objects in the Structure. | |
Iterates over all Chain objects in all Model objects. | |
Iterates over all Fragment objects in all Models. | |
Iterates over all NucleicAcidResidue objects in all Models. | |
Iterates over all child AlphaHelix objects in the default Model. | |
Same as iter_fragments() but only iterates over Fragments of the subclass AminoAcidResidue. | |
Iterates over all Atom objects in the default Model, using the default alt_loc. | |
Iterate over all beta sheets in the Structure. | |
Iterates over all Bond objects. | |
Iterates over all Chain objects in the default Model, in alphabetical order according to their chain_id. | |
Iterates over all Fragment objects in the default Model. | |
Iterates over all Model objects. | |
Iterates over non-standard residues in the default Model. | |
Same as iter_fragments() but only iterates over Fragments of the subclas NucleicAcidResidue. | |
Iterate over all active/important sites defined in the Structure. | |
Iterates over standard residues in the default Model. | |
Iterate over all waters in the default Model. | |
Removes a Atom. | |
Removes a Chain object. | |
Removes a Fragment object. | |
Removes a child Model object. | |
Sets the default alt_loc for the Stucture. | |
Sets the default Model for the Structure to model_id. | |
DEP: Use set_default_model() Sets the default Model for the Structure to model_id. | |
Sorts all Models and Chains in the Structure occording to standard model_id, chain_id, and fragment_id sorting rules. | |
Inherited from object | |
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name | |
x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name | |
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x) | |
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T | |
helper for pickle | |
helper for pickle | |
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x) | |
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value |
Method Details |
Returns True if item is a Model in the Structure, or a Chain or
chain_id in the default Model.
Same as get_chain, but raises KeyError if the requested chain_id is
not found.
__iter__(self)Iterates the Chain objects in the Structure. |
Returns the number of stored Chain objects.
add_alpha_helix(self, alpha_helix)Adds a AlphaHelix to the default Model object. |
add_atom(self, atom, delay_sort=False)Adds a Atom object to the Structure. If a collision occurs, a error is raised. |
add_beta_sheet(self, beta_sheet)Adds a BetaSheet to the default Model object. |
add_bonds_from_covalent_distance(self)Builds a Structure's bonds by atomic distance distance using the covalent radii in element.cif. A bond is built if the the distance between them is less than or equal to the sum of their covalent radii + 0.54A. |
add_bonds_from_library(self)Builds bonds for all Fragments in the Structure from bond tables for monomers retrieved from the Library implementation of the Structure. |
add_chain(self, chain, delay_sort=True)Adds a Chain object to the Structure. Creates necessary parent Model if necessary |
add_fragment(self, fragment, delay_sort=True)Adds a Fragment object. |
add_model(self, model, delay_sort=True)Adds a Model to a Structure. Raises the ModelOverwrite exception if the model_id of the Model matches the model_id of a Model already in the Structure. If there are no Models in the Structure, the Model is used as the default Model. |
add_site(self, site)Adds a Site object to the default Model. |
alt_loc_list(self)Return the unique list of Atom alternate location IDs found in the Structure. |
count_all_atoms(self)Counts all atoms in the default Model using the default alt_loc. |
count_amino_acids(self)Counts all AminoAcidResidue objects in the default Model. |
count_atoms(self)Counts all Atom objects in the default Model using the default alt_loc. |
count_bonds(self)Counts all Bond objects using the default Model and default alt_loc. |
count_chains(self)Counts all Chain objects in the default Model. |
count_fragments(self)Counts all Fragment objects in the default Model. |
count_models(self)Counts all Model objects in the Structure. |
count_non_standard_residues(self)Counts all non-standard residues in the default Model. |
count_nucleic_acids(self)Counts all NucleicAcidResidue objects in the default Model. |
count_standard_residues(self)Counts the number of stardard residues in the default Model. |
count_waters(self)Counts all waters in the default Model. |
get_chain(self, chain_id)Returns the Chain object matching the chain_id charactor. |
get_default_alt_loc(self)Returns the default alt_loc string. |
get_default_model(self)Returns the default Model object. |
get_equivalent_atom(self, atom)Returns the atom with the same fragment_id and name as the argument atom, or None if it is not found. |
get_model(self, model_id)Return the Model object with the argument model_id, or None if not found. |
get_structure(self)Returns self. |
has_amino_acids(self)Returns True if there are AminoAcidResidue objects in the default Model of the Structure. |
has_non_standard_residues(self)Returns True if there are non-standard residues in the default Model. |
has_nucleic_acids(self)Returns True if the Structure contains NucleicAcidResiudes in the default Model. |
has_standard_residues(self)Returns True if the Structure contains amino or nucleic acids in the default Model. |
has_waters(self)Returns True if there are waters in the default Model. |
index(self, model_chain)If item is a Model, returns the index of the Model in the Structure, or if the item is a Chain, returns the index of the Chain in the default Model. |
iter_all_amino_acids(self)Iterates over all AminoAcidResidue objects in all Models. |
iter_all_atoms(self)Iterates over all Atom objects in the Structure. The iteration is performed according to common PDB ordering rules, over all Models and all alternate conformations. |
iter_all_chains(self)Iterates over all Chain objects in all Model objects. |
iter_all_fragments(self)Iterates over all Fragment objects in all Models. The iteration is performed in order according the the parent Chain's chain_id, and the Fragment's positioin within the chain. |
iter_all_nucleic_acids(self)Iterates over all NucleicAcidResidue objects in all Models. |
iter_alpha_helicies(self)Iterates over all child AlphaHelix objects in the default Model. |
iter_amino_acids(self)Same as iter_fragments() but only iterates over Fragments of the subclass AminoAcidResidue. |
iter_atoms(self)Iterates over all Atom objects in the default Model, using the default alt_loc. The iteration is preformed in order according to the Chain and Fragment ordering rules the Atom object is a part of. |
iter_beta_sheets(self)Iterate over all beta sheets in the Structure. |
iter_bonds(self)Iterates over all Bond objects. The iteration is preformed by iterating over all Atom objects in the same order as iter_atoms(), then iterating over each Atom's Bond objects. |
iter_chains(self)Iterates over all Chain objects in the default Model, in alphabetical order according to their chain_id. |
iter_fragments(self)Iterates over all Fragment objects in the default Model. The iteration is performed in order according the the parent Chain's chain_id, and the Fragment's positioin within the chain. |
iter_models(self)Iterates over all Model objects. |
iter_non_standard_residues(self)Iterates over non-standard residues in the default Model. Non-standard residues are any Fragments which are not a amino or nucleic acid. |
iter_nucleic_acids(self)Same as iter_fragments() but only iterates over Fragments of the subclas NucleicAcidResidue. |
iter_sites(self)Iterate over all active/important sites defined in the Structure. |
iter_standard_residues(self)Iterates over standard residues in the default Model. |
iter_waters(self)Iterate over all waters in the default Model. |
remove_atom(self, atom)Removes a Atom. |
remove_chain(self, chain)Removes a Chain object. |
remove_fragment(self, fragment)Removes a Fragment object. |
remove_model(self, model)Removes a child Model object. If the Model object is the default Model, then choose the Model with the lowest model_id as the new default Model, or None if there are no more Models. |
set_default_alt_loc(self, alt_loc)Sets the default alt_loc for the Stucture. |
set_default_model(self, model_id)Sets the default Model for the Structure to model_id. Returns False if a Model with the proper model_id does not exist in the Structure. |
set_model(self, model_id)DEP: Use set_default_model() Sets the default Model for the Structure to model_id. Returns False if a Model with the proper model_id does not exist in the Structure. |
sort(self)Sorts all Models and Chains in the Structure occording to standard model_id, chain_id, and fragment_id sorting rules. |
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