Package mmLib :: Module Structure :: Class Fragment
[show private | hide private]
[frames | no frames]

Type Fragment

object --+

Known Subclasses:

Fragment objects are a basic unit for organizing small groups of Atoms. Amino acid residues are fragments, as well as nucleic acids and other small molecules. In terms of a PDB file, they are all the atoms from a unique residue in a chain. Fragments have the following attributes:

Fragment.res_name - the fragment/residue name Fragment.res_seq - the sequence id of the fragment/residue Fragment.chain_id - the ID of the chain containing this fragment
Method Summary
  __init__(self, model_id, chain_id, fragment_id, res_name, **args)
  __contains__(self, atom_idx)
Return True if the Atom object is contained in the fragment.
  __deepcopy__(self, memo)
  __ge__(self, other)
  __getitem__(self, name_idx)
Lookup a atom contained in a fragment by its name, or by its index within the fragment's private atom_list.
  __gt__(self, other)
Iterates the atoms within the fragment.
  __le__(self, other)
  __lt__(self, other)
  add_atom(self, atom)
Adds a atom to the fragment, and sets the atom's atom.fragment attribute to the fragment.
Counts all Atom objects including Atoms in alternate conformations.
Counts Atom objects.
Contructs bonds within a fragment.
  get_atom(self, name, alt_loc)
Returns the matching Atom instance contained in the Fragment.
Returns the parent Chain object.
  get_equivalent_atom(self, atom)
Returns the atom with the same fragment_id and name as the argument atom, or None if it is not found.
Returns the parent Chain object.
  get_offset_fragment(self, offset)
Returns the fragment in the same chain at integer offset from self.
Returns the parent Structure object.
  index(self, atom)
Returns the sequential index of the atom.
Returns True if the Fragment is a Amino Acid residue.
Returns True if the Fragment is a Nucleic Acid residue.
Returns True if the Fragment/Residue object is one of the PDB defined standard residues.
Returns True if the Fragment is a water molecule, returns False otherwise.
Iterates of all Atoms in the Fragment includeing Altlocs.
Iterates over all Atom objects contained in the Fragment matching the current model and default alt_loc.
Iterates over all Bond objects.
  remove_atom(self, atom)
Removes the Atom instance from the Fragment.
  set_chain_id(self, chain_id)
Sets the chain_id of the Fragment and all contained Atom objects.
  set_default_alt_loc(self, alt_loc)
Sets the default alt_loc of the Fragment.
  set_fragment_id(self, fragment_id)
Sets the fragment_id of the Fragment and all contained Atom objects.
  set_model_id(self, model_id)
Sets the model_id of the Fragment and all contained Atom objects.
  set_res_name(self, res_name)
Sets the res_name of the Fragment and all contained Atom objects.
    Inherited from object
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
  __new__(T, S, ...)
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value

Method Details

__contains__(self, atom_idx)
(In operator)

Return True if the Atom object is contained in the fragment.

__getitem__(self, name_idx)
(Indexing operator)

Lookup a atom contained in a fragment by its name, or by its index within the fragment's private atom_list. If the atom is not found, a exception is raised. The type of exception depends on the argument type. If the argument was a integer, then a IndexError is raised. If the argument was a string, then a KeyError is raised.


Iterates the atoms within the fragment. If the fragment contains atoms in alternate conformations, only the atoms with the structure's default_alt_loc are iterated.

add_atom(self, atom)

Adds a atom to the fragment, and sets the atom's atom.fragment attribute to the fragment.


Counts all Atom objects including Atoms in alternate conformations.


Counts Atom objects.


Contructs bonds within a fragment. Bond definitions are retrieved from the monomer library.

get_atom(self, name, alt_loc=None)

Returns the matching Atom instance contained in the Fragment. Returns None if a match is not found. If alt_loc is not given, then the default alt_loc is used.


Returns the parent Chain object.

get_equivalent_atom(self, atom)

Returns the atom with the same fragment_id and name as the argument atom, or None if it is not found.


Returns the parent Chain object.

get_offset_fragment(self, offset)

Returns the fragment in the same chain at integer offset from self. Returns None if no fragment is found.


Returns the parent Structure object.

index(self, atom)

Returns the sequential index of the atom.


Returns True if the Fragment is a Amino Acid residue.


Returns True if the Fragment is a Nucleic Acid residue.


Returns True if the Fragment/Residue object is one of the PDB defined standard residues. PDB standard residues are amino and nucleic acid residues.


Returns True if the Fragment is a water molecule, returns False otherwise.


Iterates of all Atoms in the Fragment includeing Altlocs.


Iterates over all Atom objects contained in the Fragment matching the current model and default alt_loc.


Iterates over all Bond objects. The iteration is preformed by iterating over all Atom objects in the same order as iter_atoms(), then iterating over each Atom's Bond objects.

remove_atom(self, atom)

Removes the Atom instance from the Fragment.

set_chain_id(self, chain_id)

Sets the chain_id of the Fragment and all contained Atom objects.

set_default_alt_loc(self, alt_loc)

Sets the default alt_loc of the Fragment.

set_fragment_id(self, fragment_id)

Sets the fragment_id of the Fragment and all contained Atom objects.

set_model_id(self, model_id)

Sets the model_id of the Fragment and all contained Atom objects.

set_res_name(self, res_name)

Sets the res_name of the Fragment and all contained Atom objects.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Apr 23 22:08:39 2006